P.E & Games
Aims and Values of PE at Eastern Green Junior School
At Eastern Green Junior School we value maintaining a broad and balanced curriculum that enables all children to thrive.
We know that physical and emotional well-being plays a key part in children making good or better progress in school. Therefore, we want all children to leave Year 6 instilled with an enjoyment of an active, healthy lifestyle that will last a lifetime! We also want them to understand the benefits that this will have on their life experiences.
Here at Eastern Green Junior School we ensure that all children have access to their entitlement of Physical Education each week but that they all also have (and take up) the opportunity to extend this experience in extra-curricular pursuits. We do this by giving all children plenty of experiences of a broad range of sports and activities in curriculum time but also through clubs, competitions and visitors.
We give children the opportunity to experience a wide range of sports and encourage them to take up as many chances as they can to represent the school.